The Plague (Book 0): Day Zero Page 2
“In the city?”
“Yeah. Is that a problem?”
Paige put down her brush by the sink. “No, it’s just…look, I do want to live with you one day, but I just don’t know how I would feel about living in the city. It’s always busy and it smells.
I’m pretty sure that I’d get lost and you’d having missing posters up.”
Miles finished wrestling with his tie, then wrapped his arms around her waist. “I was hoping we could start to talk about it sometime this week.”
Paige nodded, “Sure, why not.”
They kissed. Miles continued kissing her all over, making her giggle. “What would I do without you, Paige?”
“Be forever alone,” she joked.
Miles sat in a train car by himself, watching as New York City grew closer and expanded before his eyes. Thoughts jumbled around in his head as he tried to think of a place he and Paige could eventually move to. She lived in Mamaroneck while he lived on the Upper East Side of Madison Avenue in the city. The ideal place would be to move somewhere in between where he worked, and close enough to where she currently is living—so she could visit family without the hassle of trains, buses and taxis. Last time Paige rode in a taxi, the driver babbled nonstop about how Ebola would be the end of the world and how she should go to Church every Sunday to be protected by God. Never again did she plan to take any means of public transportation.
He wasn’t too sure on the plan yet himself. In time he would have it figured out. Anything to make her happy. Even if it meant for him to move down there and travel back and forth to work.
By 9 a.m., Miles was a block away from the building—running late was usual for him when he spent the night at Paige’s place. He squeezed through the over-populated street, up to the stairs. He took two steps up, then paused. He turned to the hot red Viper parked along the curb.
His boss’ car.
Miles grinned. One day he would have the money to get one himself. A frown knocked away his grin, along with his hopes of getting one any time soon.
As the Head Software Engineer for five years, he—like most employees—felt like soon he would be…or should be, getting a bigger raise.
He entered the lobby.
“Morning, Bob, how was your vacation?” Miles asked Bob, the security guard—who he highly thought resembled the actor from Mall Cop.
“It was alright. The wife drove me nuts though,” he laughed, “made me catch up on a ton of house work.”
Miles chuckled, “Well, ain’t that something? First vacation in forever—literally—and you’re stuck doing work.
“Right? That crazy bitch is going to give me an aneurysm one day…”
“Any news around the office, besides that mustache you’re growing?”
“Yeah, about that…I hear your boss is looking for you. He seems really pissed about something. So if I were you I’d stay away from him.”
“Man…here we go again.” Miles blew air out of his mouth. “Wonder what it’ll be this time. He can be a hot-head.” Miles tried to laugh, “I guess that raise will have to wait. I’ll catch you later, Bob. Thanks for the heads up.”
“No problem, see you later.” Bob called out to him as Miles began walking down the hall.
“Miles?” Miles turned around. “Good luck.”
Miles gave a thumbs up as he entered the elevator.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
2:00 a.m.
The bar was located in Times Square and more unreasonably packed than usual. Music blasted on the jukebox, single guys hitting on single women, a bar fight or two before being broken up.
He was at the far end playing pool with Bryan.
“So, Bryan, I got some news.” Miles pulled out a diamond ring from his pocket. “I’m going to ask Paige to marry me tomorrow.”
Bryan accidentally hit the 8-ball into the pocket. Ultimately losing the game. He’d just make up some excuse later on as to why he lost—this time would be that the diamond shined brightly in his eyes. “No way, bro, good for you! Can’t believe that day has finally come.”
Bryan and Miles bro-hugged. “Yeah, it’s been three years. I think now is the time to pop the question, y’know? I wanted you to be my best man, if all goes according to plan.”
“You know I will, man. I’ve always got your back.” Bryan holds up his beer. “Cheers, brother.” “Cheers.”
They clanked their beers and chugged. Miles looked at his watch, just noticing that it was well past midnight. “Shit. It’s time for me to head out, unfortunately. Boss wants me in an hour early tomorrow. Be right back, gotta take a leak.” Miles chugged the rest of his beer before heading to the bathroom.
By the time Miles finished up, Bryan had already paid the tab. Miles joined him at the front. “Hey, Bryan, I got something I need to tell you.”
“What is it, buddy? You got some hot bridesmaids for me?” Bryan wished. After him and his wife divorced and she moved to New Jersey with their three kids, Bryan began searching for a few new lady friends (as he called them) to keep him company during the night. Ever since becoming a single father, he adapted to the daily one night stands fairly easily. Yet, one day he hoped to find companionship in someone he could grow old with…even praying for one more shot with his ex-wife.
Miles pulled Bryan to the side, talking lowly so no others would hear. “Listen, earlier today at work, I, uh, came across this document while I was…programming, and…”
Bryan held out his hand, “Miles, c’mon man, remember what I said? Anything involving you and hacking…” Miles hushed him. Bryan lowered his tone, “…I don’t need to hear. The less I know, the better it is for the both of us.”
“I know that, but this is different.”
“Fine. What is it?”
Miles waited until the Biker with the Santa Clause beard passed them. “I found this document within the government containing some serious shit. It’s kind of hard for me to explain, so I need to show it to you.” Miles pulled out a flash-drive, “It’s all in here.”
“Show me what, Miles? How bad are we talking? What did you find?”
Suddenly, a loud boom erupted from outside, met with a blast of heat and smoke.
Miles and Bryan exchanging glances, bolted out of the bar.
In the street, two cars have crashed into each other head on. Both flared up. Pedestrians all gathered around; some calling for help, others just watching in bewilderment.
“We have to help them,” Bryan hollered, pointing at the drivers.
As the fire spread, Bryan sprinted ahead of Miles to one of the cars where the driver was unconscious. In the back of the car, there was another person, and a gun on the floor. This alerted him to draw his own gun. Bryan paid no attention to the broken back windshield. He pulled the driver out of the car and yelled for Miles to call 9-1-1.
Miles pulled out his phone and started to dial…only to receive a dial tone. Cliché, he thought.
He looked up towards Bryan and witnessed his friend’s demise. “NO!” Miles screamed.
The driver sprang to life, ripping off a huge chunk of Bryan’s neck with their teeth. Blood gushed out onto the pavement. His vein poked out of his neck.
Miles looked on in horror as the body in the backseat began to come alive as well. He looked over to the other car and the same thing happened. By now, pedestrians had begun to scramble.
The driver was eating Bryan’s flesh with their hands.
Miles was in utter shock. What the hell was going on? He looked to his right. Down the street, pedestrians fled his way like a pack of wild animals that escaped the zoo. Behind them…a horde of undead. “What the fuck…!”
Miles ran over and took Bryan’s Glock 19 that had glided across the road. He checked the clip—the ammo was full.
People began to drop left-and-right. Being eaten…
Miles’ heart was racing. He didn’t have a clue as to what was happening, but he had to get to Paige.
Chapter 4
“Tia Hale”
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
New York City
1:30 a.m.
Tia Hale, young and beautiful, had been up all night cramming for her medical exam finals. Her dorm-mate was fast asleep. Tia did her best to make the desk lamp dim enough so she wouldn’t disrupt her. She placed a small covering over the lamp.
Her drowsy eyes managed to glance over at the clock.
“Guess it’s about time to crash,” Tia sighed.
She turned off her laptop and shut her texts books. Tia sat on the edge of her bed, taking notice of her cell phone’s green LED blinking. The last time she had checked her phone was over four hours ago. Multiple voice-messages from her mom filled the notifications.
Hey, honey! Just checking in to see how you were doing in school. Me, your father and sister miss you dearly. We can’t wait to see you on Thanksgiving break! A smile beamed on her face. Her family was in Long Beach, California, while she decided two years ago to attend Icahn School of Medicine and work towards a M.D. degree while interning at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan.
The next message: Tia, if you get this call me ASAP… The next: Tia… Honey… If you’re watching the news, please be careful. This virus seems pretty awful! Another: Please pick up your phone, Tia. It’s your father. He’s sick. Please call.
The dorm PA system sounded: All medical interns in dorm 5B, 7A, 12C and 15D, please report to the ER immediately. It was followed up by a pre-recorded Emergency Alert System recording. This is a state of emergency. We repeat: this is a state of emergency…
Tia exited into the hallway where a crowd of students and faculty swarmed…all in a hurry. A male student bumped into her, continuing to walk straight ahead. “Hey, watch where you’re going, pal!” she shouted.
Across the mob of humans, she spotted three of her classmates. “Hey, guys, over here,” she called out. “What’s going on?” She asked them, wedging her way through extremely tight spaces.
2:30 a.m.
Blood flowed off of her hands into the sink and down the drain. Tia scrubbed with soap and hot water, vigorously. She sniffed.
The previous hour had been an utter nightmare. Blood. Dead bodies. Illness spreading throughout the ER. Several patients’ skin color went from natural, to gray. She witnessed their life ending right before her eyes. Many patients blacked out, their bodies became numb and shut down, and their fevers were unbearable.
Finally, they just dropped.
Left and right, collapsing, smashing their heads. Husbands, wives, children, boyfriends, girlfriends, all watching their loved ones dying. Nobody had control over it. Whatever IT was…
In the lobby, one of the doctors put her hand on Tia’s shoulder. Tia got startled, almost spilling her coffee. “Everything okay, Tia?” Doctor Mills asked with concern.
“It’s just been a long night,” Tia softly spoke. “We have lost so many people to whatever virus this is. I really need to clear my head of a few things.”
“Yeah, this job can be very stressful in emergencies like this. To be honest, I think you should go home, call your family.”
Tia nodded. “That sounds like a good idea right about now, Doctor Mills.”
Doctor Mills sensed something off with Tia. “Is something wrong besides all this, Tia?”
“I just need some sleep is all,” Tia said. “Excuse me, Doctor.” Tia forced a smile, then made her way down the hallway. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed her mother, only to receive a busy signal. Pick up, Mom. Pick up.
“Oh, and, Tia?” Tia turned to Doctor Mills. “Be safe and good luck. I don’t know if we will be seeing each other again.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
Doctor Mills’ nose began to drip with crimson. Her face started to discolor from white to pale…followed by gray. The white bandage wrapped around her forearm soaked in red.
Tia looked around, everyone began convulsing. Several patients gurgled. In the next minute, they too collapsed into a coma. Only to be resurrected into a creature that thrived for human meat. Groans and moans echoed in the lobby.
Tia backed up, bumping into a young boy in a wheelchair. She gasped as he came back to life, reaching for her. His tiny mouth unhinging like a snake.
She bolted out the double-sliding glass doors, into the parking lot, headed for her car.
She fumbled with her keys until she was able to get a grip on them. Tia started the engine, pressed her foot on the break, and shifted the gear into drive. She took a look over at the hospital.
Zombies were making their way towards her, cluttering up against the glass, trying to emerge from the building. In front of her, a horde was approaching.
Her astonished pale blue eyes filled with water.
Tia took her foot off the break and stomped heavily on the gas pedal. She made it only six feet before a truck appeared from out of nowhere, smashing into the passenger side, causing the car to flip over several times before coming to a complete halt, upside-down…
Chapter 5
“Jared Wheeler & Emily Ortiz”
Monday, October 13, 2014
Poughkeepsie, NY
9:38 p.m.
The air was fresh and the night breeze was cool. The dark sky was filled with bright stars, no clouds were floating around to disrupt the pitch perfect night. Jared and Gary sat outside with a beer in their hands. Gary was looking up at the sky, deep in his own thoughts.
“Have you ever wondered what life would be like if one morning we woke up and the world changed forever?” Gary asked Jared, not letting his eyes wander from the stars.
“Depends on how the world changed,” Jared sipped his beer.
“I was thinking along the lines of if you were the last man on Earth. If everyone just vanished without a trace.”
Jared took another sip of his beer. “Sounds like some science fiction shit you got going there.” Then, after a few seconds of silence, “I don’t know. That’s a little deep, even for you.”
Gary looked at Jared. “Even for me? Just ‘cause I’m black doesn’t mean I can’t have deep thoughts my man.”
“Didn’t mean it like that, Gary,” Jared laughed. “All I’m saying is that if I was the only man left in the world that would suck because I have a beautiful girlfriend that I wouldn’t see anymore.” Jared scratched the back of his head. “Emily’s been acting really strange with me these past few weeks. I hope I didn’t do anything wrong.”
Gary nudged Jared on the arm, “Maybe she wants a real man, like myself.” The joke had no effect. “Maybe it’s just that womanly time of month, Jared.” “For three weeks?” Jared turned to Gary.
Gary put his hands up. “You’re right. My bad. Look, she loves you, you got to trust that everything is okay and will work out. Emily isn’t the kind of girl who cheats or hides stuff either. It might seem like she’s hiding something, I know, but maybe something is just on her mind that she doesn’t wanna talk about right now or maybe is waiting for you to ask her about.”
“I have asked. She won’t budge.” Jared finished the last of his beer and tossed it into the garbage can. “Could it be financial stuff? She’s working at a deli, and me, I’m just some struggling writer who can’t finish a short story or book.”
“Look, I’m not in a relationship, so I don’t exactly know what to say. But what I do know is that Emily loves you and she wants to be with you forever. The best thing to do is talk to her.” A moment went by without either speaking. Jared picked at his nails, searching for words. Gary got to his feet. “Jared, I gotta call it a night, got work tomorrow morning.” Jared also stood. “If you need anything, just give me a call.”
“Thanks, Gary.”
Emily and Jared had been together for almost six years; since they were seventeen years-old. Emily quickly fell for him because of his charming personality, with the bonus that he always protected her. It was the middle of the school year when they had first met. Emily
was arguing with her then ex-boyfriend, during the time they just broke up. Her ex was abusive and lashed out at her with his friends present. Jared happened to be walking down the pathway by the football field when he noticed. He quickly sprang to her aide. He didn’t go down without a beating from all three—in the end, he was the true victor, winning her heart. No matter what, Emily, I will always be there for you, he told her time-and-time again, sounding like a broken record. Hearing those words is something she never got tired of.
Jared made his way into his house. By the time he locked up, Emily was just getting out of the bathroom. The air bursting out of the room felt like she had been spending time in a sauna. Emily was exiting with just her towel on. Jared stared deeply at her brown marble-like eyes. He embraced her still wet body, smiled, running his fingers across her smooth cheeks. “I love you,” he said.
Emily smiled back, a bit confused and blushed. “Umm, I love you, too. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, just wanted to let you know.”
“You sure, Jared?” Emily asked, off the look he was giving.
“I’m sure. I’m gonna turn in for the night, okay?”
“Oh, okay. I’ll join you soon.”
Jared gave her a huge, passionate kiss before making his way to the bedroom. Emily stood at the door frame for a moment, her hand moving gently back and forth around her stomach. She wiped the tear from her eye, and shut off the light.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
7 a.m.
The Emergency Alert System sent a sonic wave into their eardrums, awaking them from a good night’s sleep.
The following message is transmitted at the request of the U.S. government: the dead have risen and are attacking the human race. At this time, it is expected that more attacks of this nature will continue to occur at a rising rate. It is unknown at this time what virus has caused the dead to rise. Symptoms include initial nausea and vomiting, bad fevers, numbness to any body part where you’ve been bitten, and unconsciousness. Anyone infected has been reported to turn into zombie-like creatures. Stay indoors, stock up on food and water. Do not—and we repeat—DO NOT attempt to engage these creatures. Certain areas have already been quarantined; many more will be soon. The U.S. government is taking full action to stop this virus. Do not attempt to intervene. The U.S. government will take any necessary actions. Stay with your family. Be safe America… and God Bless Us All…